Pokemon death version

I got a pokemon game once, and I'll never buy one again...

The buyinging

I'm a pokemon fan, just like everyone else, and I decided to go to gamestop to get a copy of Red. I went to the sto
re and the only copy they had was one with no sticker on the front. It still must be legit so he went home and started playing the game in his gameboy color.

The playngi

He started up the game then I realized that no nintendo or creatures or game freak copywrite popped up like it usually does. All it said was "poke" in blood red. I kept playing and when oak usually says about the world of pokemon, all he said was "be w ar  e , t hi  s ga  me i s ha u n te   d." I thought it was a glitch because this sort of thing happ
ens to everyone and then my friend Kyle knocked on the door. I opened the door and he said to not play the game be
cause I would die. I said "skrew off" and slammed the door. I kept on playing and the only starters were named "chader" "sqisaur" and "notalive". These glitches always happen to me. I chose charder and oak said "you shouldn'tve done that... and the game reseted. I selected the continue option and the save file was for "dead tom". What freaked me out was that that was my name, and when I first started the game I put in as my name "EPICBUTTS69". So I selected it then a hyper-realistic scream came out of the speakers. I dropped the gameboy down and blood came out the speakers. I got a sword and chopped it in half but the screen said "ouch" and more blood came out. I opened the door to see kyle standing there and I shoved the gameboy in his mouth. Pokemans are scary.